I am passionate about creating the logistics systems of the future.

I am a Principal Research Scientist at MIT. My team of researchers, students, and software developers collaborates with industry partners around the world to re-think the logistics systems of the future.
At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), I am the Director of Research of the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics. In this role, I oversee the research activities and shape the strategic agenda of our center to create supply chain and logistics innovation and driving it into practice in collaboration with our global network of industry partners.
For my own research, I lead the MIT Intelligent Logistics Systems Lab, a research lab focused on the design, planning and operation of innovative supply chain and logistics systems. My team uses state-of-the-art operations research and machine learning methods to tackle the industry's most challenging problems related to e-commerce fulfillment, network design, inventory management, vehicle routing, reverse logistics, warehouse management, autonomous warehouse operations, sustainability, and technology integration.
I am also the founder and director of the MIT Computational Analytics, Visualization & Education (CAVE) Lab, which leverages interactive visual interfaces as a means to make advanced analytics and complex quantitative models intuitively accessible to supply chain practitioners. My team of researcher, UI/UX designers, and software developers has developed has created the world's first open-source software development framework for visual supply chain analytics applications, and is working with industry partners around the globe to put advanced analytics into practice.
Besides my research activities, I also teach in MIT's graduate degree and executive education programs. Further, I am an Associate Editor for Transportation Science and part of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Transportation Research Part E: Logistics & Transportation Review.
I have been working with numerous global industry partners to solve problems that matter and have real-world impact on people, profits, and our planet. I regularly advise start-ups and consult for established industry players on issues of supply chain analytics, logistics systems design, and last-mile technology.
Besides my work at MIT, I am excited about putting the learnings from my research into practice. I do so in various roles as an advisor or consultant to start-ups at any stage. Helping innovative companies refine their products or services based on my experience from doing research and working with industry partners in the supply chain and logistics domain is part of how I see my role as a leading academic in this field.
Next to my advisory roles with start-ups and young and emerging companies, I regularly consult for major industry players who seek to build internal capabilities, need my specific expertise to support high-stakes projects, or want to create new and innovative products or services to better serve their clients. My consulting work also involves helping public sector counterparts to better understand the policy implications and infrastructure needs of emerging logistics systems, business models, and technologies.

I seek to make complex challenges in last-mile logistics, distribution network design, and supply chain analytics accessible and understandable.

I hope to excite a broader audience for the applications and implications of my work.